For those of you that haven't heard of MySoti, it is a website where designers can upload their original art to be made in to tshirts and posters. It is DTG (diret to garment) printing so the quality is much better than a transfer and they have the ability to print over 16 million colors- something screen printing just can't offer. The tshirts are great quality and there are two style options so you can pick the fit you like best. Plus, I love that I still own my designs and can set my own pricing.
Here is my first design, What the French, Toast? If you share my sense of humor, this is probably the funniest saying ever! Inspired by the Orbitz (Clean up a dirty mouth) commercial I've turned this hillarious saying into a design complete with an adorable kawaii inspired french toast. Awwww. (Click the image to be taken to the design and see it bigger)

My other design, Faith, was created after some good friends of ours adopted the girl they'd always payed for. After having two wonderful boys this couple was no longer able to have children and were elated to find out they would be adopting a sweet little girl. Faith is her name and this design was made for her. After recieving such a positive response I've now turned it in to a design for everyone.

Thanks for letting me share my newest adventure. I'd love to hear your feedback, and please continue to check MySoti for more of my designs. :)
I am really excited about this Randi. Thanks for posting it. It reminds me that I want to blog about it for you. Now I can link to this post! Yay.